
Re-CHARGING Reform Judaism

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Re-CHARGING Reform Judaism


Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue

October 7th forever changed the course of Jewish history and exposed deep rifts in North American society, as well as within our own Reform movement.

This May 29–30, we will reconvene to Re-CHARGE:

  • Israel’s and world Jewry’s confidence in the importance of the Zionist enterprise and its most basic promise — to protect the lives, liberty and dignity of Jews;
  • Our liberal values and examine the partnerships we’ve spent decades building in pursuit of social justice;
  • Liturgy and spirituality, anchoring them to eloquent expressions of Jewish peoplehood and a yearning for Zion; and
  • Educational models that guide the next generation in valuing the significance of Israel and the Jewish people to our identity as Reform Jews.

We need your voice in this conversation. All Reform Jewish professionals, lay leaders and alumni are invited and encouraged to participate. Together, we will Re-CHARGE Reform Judaism.

Early-bird pricing is $165. The cost to register will increase to $190 after April 1, 2024. The full conference schedule with all speakers will be published in the coming months. All registrants will be asked to choose their sessions, workshops and meals in the weeks preceding the conference.

Join the Re-CHARGING Reform Judaism email list here or contact conference co-coordinator Rabbi Tracy Kaplowitz, Ph.D., at recharge@swfs.org.


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