
Rabbis Ammi Hirsch and John Rosove in Conversation πŸ™‹

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Rabbis Ammi Hirsch and John Rosove in Conversation πŸ™‹


Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue

Join Rabbi Ammi Hirsch in conversation with his good friend and fellow rabbi, John Rosove, as they attempt to solve the world’s problems β€” or at least all the problems facing Jews in America β€” and discuss Rosove’s new book, “From the West to the East: A MemΒ­oir of a LibΒ­erΒ­al AmerΒ­iΒ­can Rabbi.”

About the Book: ‘From the West to the East’

John Rosove’s deeply probΒ­ing and arrestΒ­ing memΒ­oir tossΒ­es aside the neat litΒ­tle idenΒ­tiΒ­ty boxΒ­es we put ourΒ­selves in. LongΒ­time HolΒ­lyΒ­wood rabΒ­bi, he is proof that a thinkΒ­ing perΒ­son can be many difΒ­ferΒ­ent things at once. AmerΒ­iΒ­can LibΒ­erΒ­al. ProΒ­gresΒ­sive ZionΒ­ist. Lover of Israel. DreamΒ­er of Peace. This sweepΒ­ing and fineΒ­ly-wrought narΒ­raΒ­tive traces Rosove’s jourΒ­ney from West to East and his philoΒ­sophΒ­iΒ­cal evoΒ­luΒ­tion shaped by a trio of unforΒ­getΒ­table menΒ­tors.

Along the way, MarΒ­tin Luther King, BenΒ­jamin Netanyahu, Natan ShaΒ­ranΒ­sky, and MarΒ­wan BarghΒ­outi, the PalesΒ­tinΒ­ian leader who sits in a prison cell in Israel, make cameo appearΒ­ances. The killing of 1,200 Israelis on OctoΒ­ber 7, 2023, by Hamas milΒ­iΒ­tants becomes a horΒ­riΒ­ble crime that chalΒ­lenges the core of Rosove’s beliefs. For months, he finds himΒ­self lost in doubt and grief and, yes, a desire for revenge. In the end, as the tragedy of Gaza unfolds, his brave voice does not waver in its deterΒ­miΒ­naΒ­tion to see peace and social jusΒ­tice come to the MidΒ­dle East, for future generations of Israelis and Palestinians.

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