Get a taste of our Religious School program! While children attend our Religious School program, parents will meet with our Director of Youth Education Rabbi Rifkin to hear about our Religious School programs and curriculum, and learn about how enriching it is to become part of our Religious School and the Stephen Wise community.
This session is for prospective Religious School students and parents only. It is not a drop-off program; parents will attend an info session while children participate in Religious School programming. If your family is currently enrolled in our Religious School, there are other opportunities for you to learn about next year’s curricula.
If you are interested in joining this open house but find that the grade level for which you want to register is full, please contact the Religious School.
For more information about the Religious School at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, visit the school online or contact or (212) 877-4050, ext. 230.
Category: Info Sessions, Religious School, Featured Events, Families with Children