Join Rabbi Ammi Hirsch in conversation with his good friend and fellow rabbi, John Rosove, as they attempt to solve the world’s problems β or at least all the problems facing Jews in America β and discuss Rosove’s new book, “From the West to the East: A MemΒoir of a LibΒerΒal AmerΒiΒcan Rabbi.”
About the Book: ‘From the West to the East’
John Rosoveβs deeply probΒing and arrestΒing memΒoir tossΒes aside the neat litΒtle idenΒtiΒty boxΒes we put ourΒselves in. LongΒtime HolΒlyΒwood rabΒbi, he is proof that a thinkΒing perΒson can be many difΒferΒent things at once. AmerΒiΒcan LibΒerΒal. ProΒgresΒsive ZionΒist. Lover of Israel. DreamΒer of Peace. This sweepΒing and fineΒly-wrought narΒraΒtive traces Rosoveβs jourΒney from West to East and his philoΒsophΒiΒcal evoΒluΒtion shaped by a trio of unforΒgetΒtable menΒtors.
Along the way, MarΒtin Luther King, BenΒjamin Netanyahu, Natan ShaΒranΒsky, and MarΒwan BarghΒouti, the PalesΒtinΒian leader who sits in a prison cell in Israel, make cameo appearΒances. The killing of 1,200 Israelis on OctoΒber 7, 2023, by Hamas milΒiΒtants becomes a horΒriΒble crime that chalΒlenges the core of Rosoveβs beliefs. For months, he finds himΒself lost in doubt and grief and, yes, a desire for revenge. In the end, as the tragedy of Gaza unfolds, his brave voice does not waver in its deterΒmiΒnaΒtion to see peace and social jusΒtice come to the MidΒdle East, for future generations of Israelis and Palestinians.
Category: Adults, Adult Education, Israel Interest, Featured Events